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VNA & VHHA In-Person Healthcare Workforce Lobby Day

Posted over 1 year ago in Legislative Update

Workforce Issues Lobby Day with VHHA

Wednesday, January 18 at 8 AM | Capitol Square, Richmond, VA 

The Virginia Nurses Association (VNA), in partnership with the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association (VHHA), invites members to join us in Richmond for a day of advocacy on workforce challenges and the need to support programs that help with recruitment, retention, wellness, and safety of our healthcare workforce. Attendees may include executives, administrators, or clinicians, and are not expected to be health care policy experts!  Bring your own experiences to Richmond to share with your local representatives. 

Your voice matters! We hope you'll join us in sharing the workforce challenges that our state is facing and the need to support programs that help with recruitment, retention, wellness, and safety of our workforce.

 If you are unable to attend but would like to receive follow-up information about our collaborative workforce efforts, please provide your email below, or email

Register at :  Healthcare Workforce Lobby Day (